Awesome and Geeky Costumes Using a Wheelchair

I’ve seen so many inventive and geeky costumes in the past few months that involve some type of mobility aid, like a wheelchair. With the proliferation of comic cons and related conventions and, of course, Halloween this week, more of these fantastic and creative costume photos are popping up all over the ‘net.

In the following photo from the Houston Chronicle (via a tweet I saw to Anne Wheaton, aka Mrs. Wil Wheaton) a kid using a wheelchair flies over the city as Superman! (Photo links to the Houston Chronicle article.) According to the aricle, his name is Emmanuel, he is 3 years old, and he has CP like I do. I love how his wheelchair is the city and his “legs” and cape fly off of the back!

 from the Houston Chronicle Kid in wheelchair flies as Superman o Halloween

Kid in wheelchair flies as Superman on Halloween from the Houston Chronicle

Now, this one brings back memories. I think it was my junior or senior year of high school that a couple buddies used cardboard boxes and a cardboard tube to make me a tank cover for my scooter. We painted it camouflage green and it even had a hatch at top to pop my head out of. But, this tank below blows my old one to bits. The kid’s even got smoke coming out of the “gun!”

Wheelchair as tank costume via Reddit

Wheelchair as tank costume via Reddit

Wait. Not impressed? Fine. Same dad did a pirate ship:

Wheelchair as Pirate Ship Costume via Reddit

Wheelchair as Pirate Ship costume via Reddit

And a firetruck:

Wheelchair as Firetruck Costume via Reddit

Wheelchair as Firetruck Costume via Reddit

His full Reddit stream on it all is at .

Last, here’s one I saw a few months ago. My Geekling is a huge fan of How To Train Your Dragon and, while he is not a wheelchair user, might want to borrow this kid’s Hiccup and Toothless rig via TheMarySue:

Wheelchair as Hiccup and Toothless via The Mary Sue

Wheelchair as Hiccup and Toothless via The Mary Sue

The point is that people who use mobility devices are not “wheelchair bound.” Our chairs, scooters, and walkers do not bind us. They liberate and free us to get out and about. And, if you’re going to use one, why not make it part of your costume?

Now, who wants to help me build my Serenity freighter idea for my scooter?

DC Is Rolling Out a Big “Marvel-ous” Schedule of Movies!

It’s popping up everywhere, but has a nice recap of DC’s just announced slate of movies up through 2020! It starts off with Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, helmed by Zack Snyder, opening in 2016, as most already know. But, what is news, among announcements of solo movies for characters like The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg, is the the announcement of a solo Wonder Woman movie starring Gal Gadot! (Wonder Woman will first appear in the aforementioned Batman vs. Superman.) It is high time one of these comics/superhero movies featured a female hero.

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman via Crave Online

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman via Crave Online

Alright, Marvel, your move. When are we getting a Black Widow solo film?

Via New Behind the Scenes Book on Star Trek: TOS

Over at they’ve got a really cool article on a new book by Marc Cushman entitled These Are the Voyages TOS: Season One. It looks to be a fascinating (see what I did there?) look behind the making of the original Star Trek’s first season. It will be a must have item for any true fan of Trek. Some of the behind the scenes tidbits in the article:

  • Pigeons and a horde of wasps plagued the filming of the first two pilots.
  • Gene Roddenberry got 50% royalties for the show’s theme song because he authored weird lyrics for it that were never used.
  • The great Lucille Ball herself saved Star Trek from Desliu Studios’ board of directors’ axe. (Desilu, of course, stood for Desi and Lucy.) Not only that, but the great comedienne personally swept pesky dust from the camera tracks during filming!
  • Gene Roddenberry believed men in the future would not have body hair and made Shatner shave his torso for topless scenes.
  • DeForest Kelley was almost cast as Spock. (I’m trying to picture that one.)

Lots more in the article and the book sounds great. Going on my Amazon wishlist.

Shatner and Nimoy laughing during filming of

Shatner and Nimoy laughing during filming of “Patterns of Force.”

One Bluetooth Keyboard To Rule Them All!

Now, this is something I want! Microsoft is putting out a fold up bluetooth keyboard not only compatible with Windows, iOS and Android devices, but it has added functionality specifically for each operating system! According to, it will be called the Universal Mobile Keyboard and it includes:

Other nice touches for iOS users: Microsoft even includes a CMD key normally reserved for Mac/iOS keyboards in its proper location in addition to a dedicated home button for both Android and iOS. Not only that, but the keyboard is a Made-for-iPhone/iPad/iPod touch product, which means it also has Apple’s seal of approval.

Microsoft also claims it can get six months of usage on a single charge. It will ship in October and retail for $80.00.

With the plethora of iOS, Android and Windows 8.1 devices we have in our house, having just one keyboard I can throw in my scooter basket will be awesomeness personified!


via GigaOm: Six Unanswered Questions About the Apple Watch

After the big Apple iPhone 6/Watch event, GigaOm posted a nice collection of six questions about Apple’s new wearable that went unanswered or were glossed over in the big reveal. I had not thought of all of them myself, but the battery life question is big in my mind. If I have to charge it overnight, the big benefit of a subtle, vibrating alarm is out the bedroom window.

Bottom line: interested for sure, but need more information and real life testing.

Tim Cook announcing the Apple Watch

Tim Cook announcing the Apple Watch. Photo credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Kid Gets Iron Man Prothstetic Hand: Excelsior!

If this story by way of Geeklogie and KHON Channel 2 News in Maui doesn’t make you smile or bring a little tear to your eye, you’re as heartless as the Mandarin (the “real one” not the goofy British actor guy).

A three year old boy called Bubba was born with an impairment that left him with only one hand. It is all he has ever known and he was well adjusted and thriving. But, as the story reports, he knew he was different and always wanted a second hand like most people have. His grandmother found an uber cool non-profit called E-Nabling which creates prosthesis using 3D printing. Traditional artificial hands can run into the thousands of dollars, but this particular hand cost only fifty dollars to manufacture and they charged the boy’s family not one penny!

And, did I mention, they made it to look like Iron Man’s hand? Check out the video:

Can’t Fight Fashion: Wearables Will Be In the Classroom

Hat tip to Web/mobile developer and Accessibility Evangelist extraordinaire Paul Adam for tweeting this article from The Chronicle of Higher Education entitled Apple Watch: Coming to a Classroom Near You? With Apple’s new iWatch and other wearables from Motorola, Samsung and others, the ever present phone will move to the wrists of some students. This opens up the educational pitfalls of distraction and even cheating, but it may also open up new opportunities in learning and education methods.

an iWatch from Apple

Apple’s iWatch. Photo credit The Chronicle of Higher Education

A Robot Riding a Hoverbike? Yes, Please!

The Science Channel has a way cool video on their site of a 1/3 scale experimental quad-rotor hover bike. The air vehicle is designed by Malloy Aeronautics and is claimed to be more maneuverable than a helicopter. The video is amazing.

As a person with a disability who has always used wheelchairs and scooters, I have to wonder if a small version could have the right combination of size and thrust to take the place of larger mobility devices. Flying up some stairs would rock.

NFL Fandom by U.S. County

Now, throw in that your dear poster here is an NFL nerd also, and, well, this is a map you know I’ve got to study. The Atlantic posted an article about a map of NFL team allegiances by county in the United States as of 2014 produced by the Facebook Data Science team. The data is based on Facebook “Likes” of official team pages. So, it is surely is not definitive proof of allegiances but it is still fun mapping it out.

Some things are not surprising (Packers in Wisconsin, Cowboys in Texas) but some might be a bit surprising such as the Jets having no plurality in ANY county…anywhere.

Well, maybe, it’s not surprising…

map of NFL allegiances by U.S. county

Map of NFL allegiance by county in the U.S. by Facebook Data Science team.

2000 Years of European Border Changes In 47 Seconds

This is an interesting little history nerd thing that popped up in my Twitter feed the other day. (Hat tip to The Independent.) It’s a little video from New Scientist (sub. required) of a European map showing the borders of nations, empires, states, etc. over the last 2,000 years. It is amazing to see how much, and often, borders change.

And, with all the stuff Uncle Vladimir is stirring up in Ukraine, one wonders if a new map is coming…